A positive celebration that left you with a sense of gratefulness for the sacrifice of Jesus and the joy of his Resurrection?
There were a few glitches in my parish but almost everything flowed as it was supposed to... and the reception afterward was wonderful...
I can tell you Holy Week at my parish is just what you would expect. My wayward pastor who believes he is more protestant then Catholic did everything according to his own will disregarding any of the Church's directives. Would you believe on Holy Thursday we did not have an altar of repose? He took the Lord placed him in a gigantic silver bowl and left him on the main altar.No flowers, two candles in poles on either side of the altar. That's it! He remained on the altar until 12 0'clock then was whisked away in a car and placed in the rectory chapel which is located about 1/2 mile away. Can you also believe no hosts were available to be brought to the sick in the hospital? I once was told if you want to know where a priests heart lies look at the way he treats the Eucharist. Enough said! When will our Bishop become a Shepherd and stop these abuses??? The seventies are over and all of the other diocese in the U.S. get it and are coming in line with the teachings of the Church.Except of course the Diocese of Richmond.Time to start writing letters to the Papal Nuncio, and Cardinal Burke.
i heard that cardinal burke and the pope are a bunch of bleeding heart liberals that acknowledge modern languages as valid means of communication between people and god. our only recourse will be to leave the church to the progressives who want us to pray in languages that we understand. what is this world coming to?!
Anonymous 5:24
I will not dignify your comments with a in depth response. My only sentiments is you should join my pastor and start your own Church. There is no such thing as progressive, conservative, liberal or traditional only the truth.That truth consists of a magisterium which issues directives on faith amd morals which as Catholic we are bound to listen and emulate That's what sets us a part from other faiths and as a Catholic I have a right to expect my priests to initiate.
As an aside... Does the Bishop ever remind you of the boss in the Dilbert cartoon?
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