Wednesday, February 24, 2010

These Stone Walls

If you have never visited this blog, you are in for a spiritual journey. These Stone Walls contains a weekly column written by a priest who was falsely accused. He is serving a 67-year sentence. You can read his story and what has happened to him after refusing a deal to plead guilty.

If you are looking for spiritual reading for Lent, this is it! I pray for him every day...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sullivan Conference 2010 “Source and Summit: The Mass as Catechesis”

Don't miss this conference scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, May 18-19, 2010 at two locations in the Diocese of Richmond. The locations are

Church of the Redeemer, Mechanicsville, Virginia
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Salem, Virginia

Here is the theme of the conference taken from the brochure:

"Source and Summit: The Mass as Catechesis. To assist us in our appreciation for and engagement with the liturgy, Rev. Paul Turner will gather with us to reflect on the critical link between liturgy, catechesis, and life. His four keynote presentations will help to prepare us for the coming revisions to the Roman Missal. Breakout sessions led by presenters from around the diocese will further equip pastoral ministers to lead others to deepen their understanding and experience of the liturgy."

Here are the brochures from the East location: Mechanicsville

And the brochure for the West Location: Salem

And here is where to register online: Registration

There are scholarships available.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bishop Williamson Back in the News

Spiegel Online International had a 3-page article today about Bishop Williamson of the SSPX and his continuing denial of the Holocaust. Here is the article: Bishop Williamson Unrepentant in Holocaust Denial.

It appears from the article that the Bishop is not going to change his tune. This could certainly have reprecussions on the dialogue that is going on at the Vatican with the representatives of the SSPX.

You know I am not a traditional Catholic; however, I firmly believe that the Church can hold all of us, as long as there is good will and tolerance among us.

What say you?