Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's About Time! A Gag Order for Bishop Williamson

Statement of His Excellency Bernard Fellay, Superior of the Fraternity of St. Pius X

We have become aware of an interview released by Bishop Richard Williamson, a member of our Fraternity of St. Pius X, to Swedish television. In this interview, he expressed himself on historical questions, and in particular on the question of the genocide against the Jews carried out by the Nazis.

It’s clear that a Catholic bishop cannot speak with ecclesiastical authority except on questions that regard faith and morals. Our Fraternity does not claim any authority on other matters. Its mission is the propagation and restoration of authentic Catholic doctrine, expressed in the dogmas of the faith. It’s for this reason that we are known, accepted and respected in the entire world.

It’s with great sadness that we recognize the extent to which the violation of this mandate has done damage to our mission. The affirmations of Bishop Williamson do not reflect in any sense the position of our Fraternity. For this reason I have prohibited him, pending any new orders, from taking any public positions on political or historical questions.

We ask the forgiveness of the Supreme Pontiff, and of all people of good will, for the dramatic consequences of this act. Because we recognize how ill-advised these declarations were, we can only look with sadness at the way in which they have directly struck our Fraternity, discrediting its mission.

This is something we cannot accept, and we declare that we will continue to preach Catholic doctrine and to administer the sacraments of grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Menzingen, January 27, 2009

~ Translation by NCR from the Italian ~


Anonymous said...

Much needed.

This would also serve as a good template to use on some of the heterodox clergy within the Church who speak on such things as the need for priestessess or who are lax in teaching the truth as given to us by the Church regarding the evils of abortion and birth prevention.

Anonymous said...

Dear Stu, I might have guessed that you would make a suggestion like that. (friendly chuckle)

Yes, there does seem to be a discrepancy with how different "problems" are dealt with... Wonder why that is...

Thanks for your comment...