Monday, September 13, 2010

"Fraternity of the disgraced keeps growing"

John Allen, senior correspondent of the National Catholic Reporter has written an interesting article about the Catholic prelates who have become members of the "fraternity of the disgraced." Please don't miss his analysis of this issue. Read here: "Fraternity of the disgraced keeps growing."

The paragraph that stopped me in my tracks was this one:

"Perhaps the most explosive question is whether that fraternity will eventually include the two popes whose reigns coincide with the sexual abuse crisis, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Probably neither pontiff's reputation will be helped, though defenders of both men also have cases to make."

No matter what you think about either of these popes, including them on the list would be as surprising to me as the accusations against Pius XII regarding his lack of action against the Nazis during WWII.