The John Jay Study: What it is and what it isn't
by Mary Gail Frawley O'Dea
Richmond Voices is a Blog set up for the Catholic Blogging Community of the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia. It has no connection with the diocese whatsoever. Richmond Voices seeks to give a voice to the People of God of this diocese. YOUR articles can be the basis for discussion and comments.
I have always found it interesting and sad that some Catholics tend to emphasize the evils of homosexuality and the threat it poses to traditional marriage while giving very little emphasis to the threat the pre-marital heterosexual sex and divorce pose to marriage. In my oninion, shouldn't we be removing the planks from our own eyes before removing the specks in other people's eyes. Or do we have to politicize our morality to the degree that we begin to pick and choose which sins and sinners on which we are going to focus...usually not on our own sins!
I agree with you Katie. Pre-marital sex and adultery are what threatens traditional marriage, in my opinion... and the idea that marriages can be ended so easily...
This video deserves a post of its own since it pertains to a plethora of concerns from Richmond Diocesan Catholics that the bishop does not hear (or hears and does not respond):
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