Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Campaign for Human Development question and discussion

George LeRoi Tirebiter has asked a question about the Campaign for Human Development:

"I'd like to see a discussion about the "Catholic Campaign for Human Development" which will collect money from our parishes this month, either directly from the parish (most cases) or through a designated special collection (unfortunately rare). Though they have cleaned up their act for now. the CCHD has a long history of funding Alynskiite organizations that also fund abortions and anti-marriage legislation.

I cannot in good conscience fund, either directly or indirectly, organizations that enable evil. What does stewardship require?"


Anonymous said...

What makes anyone think they have "cleaned up their act?" That organization simply needs to die and start again with a truly CATHOLIC focus. Until then, I will never contribute to it. Much easier to give to private charities that adhere to Catholic teachings (even if they aren't Catholic).

Michael said...


CCHD Praised a Grantee Involved in Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual Coalitions and Networks in its “Renewal” Document Where it Promised NOT to Fund Such Groups!!!

Anonymous said...

The CCHD is simply rubbish and beyond repair.

Anonymous said...

if you don't know what you're talking about, just shut up. the cchd is helping to break the cycle of poverty. it's not about abortion. it's about social justice.

Kneeling Nick said...

The poster asked, What does stewardship require? It certainly doesn't require that we give to any particular collection. If you have concerns about a paticular collection then don't give to that one. There are plenty of others out there that you can give to.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Did you see the story about the priest in Texas who hired a hit man to kill the teenager he had been abusing? The bishops attempts at "protecting children" aka "protecting bishops" apparently aren't working too well.

Anonymous said...

Is it true what I heard? The Catholic Church has changed its teachings on contraception and now allows artificial birth control?

Kneeling Nick said...

Not True. The Church's teaching on contraception remains unchanged.

Plastered505 said...

It was difficult, but I finally got a straight answer from my parish's staff. The parish contributes to the so called "Catholic" Campaign for Human Development in November. They send a check from overall contributions; they do not and will not use a second collection for "C"CHD; nor do they publish it in their financial statement except hidden as part of the total sent to the diocese. Ample sunlight is the best disinfectant. Pity.

It turns my stomach to think of my funds going to that organization, but I need to remain in this parish as my wife will not likely go to a new parish. My solution: Cease all contributions to my parish in November, resume in December and make up the difference. It's step until I find a safe parish and convince my wife. Ich kann nicht anders...