Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Diocesan Liturgist

Anonymous wrote in the comment box:

"We have a new diocesan liturgist. Does anybody know if he is on board with Benedict's reform of the reform? Or are we just going to get more of the same old folksy liturgical minimalism while our brethren in the diocese north of us get to enjoy the treasures of the we still get mostly pianos, amateur guitarists, flutists, drummers and ABSOLUTELY NO GREGORIAN CHANT! "


Anonymous said...

Expect more of the same. Incarnation is as lefty as it gets.

Anonymous said...

From his own bio:

During his many years in Victoria Chris was fortunate to bring to the diocese and work with many composers of liturgical music such as Carey Landry, Marty Haugen and the “St. Louis Jesuits” who were then living in Seattle, Washington. Chris sang in the choir for the St. Louis Jesuits recording “The Steadfast Love” in 1986 and was invited by Fr. Bob Dufford, SJ to write the keyboard arrangements for two of his compositions “All the Ends of the Earth” and “Save Us, O Lord,” subsequently published by Oregon Catholic Press.


Anonymous said...

More from the parish website:

Litnic season! Litnics are a venerable Incarnation summer tradition; they are Liturgy picnics, and here’s how they work. Someone who wants to host a litnic calls the Parish Office and signs up for one of the posted available dates. They receive Parish Guidelines for hosting a Litnic which must be read carefully. Litnics are particularly intended for Catho-
lics in the host’s neighborhood, but all parishioners are invited. A Mass is celebrated in the home or the yard (the lit) followed by a potluck supper (the nic).

Oh, how quaint! A "litnic."

Ouch. Can we dumb it down any further? (Don't answer that.)

Anonymous said...

I love litnics! Think about it...back in the 1980s when I was teaching CCD, we always taught that there were three parts to the Mass (of course, we called it a eucharistic celebration back kind of downplay the sacrificial nature of the word "mass")...anyway here were the three parts of the mass that I taught to my students:

Part 1 - GATHER (this is the processional when we usually sang a nice little diddy like "Gather us in"

Part 2 - GAB (this was the part when the readings and homily were done)

Part 3 - GOOD EATS (this was the part of the mass when the gathered assembly took communion and listened to ego-maniacal priests create there own groovy versions to the eucharistic was sooooooooooo cool....teenagers REALLY loved it!)

I realize this might upset the handy dandy hand-holding-hand-waving paternoster enthusiasts who believe that the Our Father is the source and summit of the Mass evidenced by their exagerated hand gestures...not that anyone would be distracted by the hand of a fellow parishioner in their face...and it may upset the touchy-feely peace-be-with-you enthusiasts....since those parts of the mass didn't get there own section but in all fairness, we did our best to overemphasize the importance of those parts of the mass as well.

Anyway...that was a day in the life of a liturgy of the Richmond diocese back in the 1980's....come to think of it....30 years later and it's still like that for the most part.

Mark said...

The land that time forgot ...

Katie Beaumont said...

At first I didn’t believe any of you about this “litnic” thing. So I googled it and I found their “litnic” bulletin here ( In their defense, I do not see a problem with Holy Mass followed by a potluck of some type to build a sense of community. In fact, I think it’s a praiseworthy activity. I am; however, opposed to coining trivial phrases with ecclesiastical terms, i.e. Liturgy. In my opinion, the word “litnic” trivializes the word Liturgy. Just call the event what it is: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with a picnic immediately following the Mass. Trivializing the term “Liturgy” should not be permitted, especially in this era of increasing loss of faith and sense of the Sacred. Furthermore, I would like to know where the bishop stands on liturgy. Does he stand with Benedict XVI? If so, when will Gregorian Chant be rolled out in EVERY parish and what steps has the bishop already taken to do this?

standing maryanna said...

I doubt very seriously if Gregorian Chant will come to my parish. First of all, you have to have people and priest interested in singing it.

Anonymous said...

Maryanna, kind of a catch-22 if the folks in your parish have no idea of what they are missing.

On one of the aircraft carriers I was assigned, I was part of a start-up barbershop quartet. What I found interesting was the skepticism from the youngsters on us performing. Quite simply, they thought it would stupid and old-fashioned. But I can remember their faces distinctly the first time we started singing. They had never hear only human voices singing in harmony and were captivated instantly.

Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony will do the same during the Mass. People will suddenly lose interest in banal music by the St Louis Jesuits.

Mark said...

Great point, Stu.

Same goes for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. It is disingenuous to claim that "there is no interest in this Mass", when the vast majority have never experienced it, but only heard distortions and ridicule of it (such as "the priest with his back to the people" - how dare he!) from those opposed to it. Yet we read such claims regularly.

We're so out of synch.

Anonymous said...

Maybe each parish needs to start a Schola Cantorum / Chant Choir, get training, and after sufficient preparation, slowly introduce this form of chant at one Sunday Mass per parish. I know it's wishful thinking, but where there is a will, there is a way. Maybe that's the problem, there is no will with the liturgical and musical leaders of this diocese. It's time to open the diocesan liturgical windows and allow a fresh of breath air and chant in EVERY PARISH!

Anonymous said...

The Diocese is simply flailing about hiring whoever they can find to fill the holes as all sane people leave their employ within a few years.

standing maryanna said...

I never saw anything in the CV about hiring a new Director of Liturgy ... Was it all planned out beforehand? Or did I miss it?

Anonymous said...

known him forever and i warned all of you years ago when you thought he was going to give you all that traditional folly. bigfoot just stomps on you when he has nothing else to do, doesn't matter if you're a traditionalist or a progressive. the only thing he's good at is counting his toes. besides, liturgy isn't his thing.

Anonymous said...

Let's put this in prospective, actions speak louder than words. Bishop Di Lorenzo is certainly not a Bishop one would say adheres solidly to Rome. At times it appears he barely tolerates Rome. A disappointment to say the least! In my parish Catholic life was flourishing, young men were contemplating vocations to the priesthood, Mass attendance was up, adoration and the rosary were promoted and our lines for confession were long. OOOPs sorry its called reconciliation (you see we are no longer allowed to call this sacrament penance or confession although the Catechism refers to it as such.) The Mass was said according the Roman Missal. Our bi yearly penance services (accompanied by individual confession)were attended by well over 300 people. The pastor would periodically allow some latin to be injected to the Mass but would also accommodate the youths' musical taste with an ensemble which performed more contemporary but devotional music. A crucifix was donated to be placed over the altar and if anyone has ever attended services at St.Bede you would know some visual form of Catholicism is much needed considering the statue of Our Lady is unrecognizable and the Crucifix already present (off to the side)looks like it was made of clay. On entering the Church you are greeted by this monstrosity... the ORGAN which many refer to as the golden calf. A crucifix was always present on the Altar during Mass in view of the whole congregation,now has been replaced with an icon only our new pastor can view. Youth ministry promoted adoration and was supported by the former Pastor. This year our new evangelical pastor refused adoration to the confirmation class during their retreat.
I guess the orthodoxy of the former pastor was too much for Bishop Di Lorenzo he transferred a solid Catholic Priest and replaced him with someone who is so diametrically opposed to him. This decision is nothing short of mind boggling. We now have a self proclaimed Evangelical Christian Catholic who is more absent then he is present. He arrives on Wednesday and leaves most times after the 11 o'clock Sunday Mass. The Crucifix will not be hung because he says it cannot be placed over the Altar safely. Although engineers did survey the area and approved its hanging before the Crucifix was ordered. He improvises continually during the Mass. He has omitted "praise to you Lord Jesus Christ" after the gospel is read. Does not elevate our Lord and quite frankly barely says the words of Consecration correctly. Mass will no longer be celebrated at the many nursing and senior housing facilities. He frowns on any devotional music. Does not promote adoration,has dismissed penance services. He has taken away materials containing the Sunday readings but promises they will return next year after revisions are made to the Roman Missal. His homilies are performances to say the least. All of our music selections are from OCP ( he just purchased) and quite frankly no one praises God in song because no one recognizes any of the melodies or lyrics. Advent is here and we have absolutely no devotional prayer scheduled. He speaks of the importance of community and emphasizes community above all but he does not take the community into consideration when making his decisions.
So my question is why would Bishop Di Lorenzo replace a Pastor who for all intent and purposes was teaching the Catholic faith,promoted catechesis and administered the sacraments diligently with a man who quite honestly as one young person said "administers the Sacraments reluctantly?" So what should we believe with this new appointment to the Office of Worship? What should we believe when a Bishop takes a pastor who was loyal to the magisterium, taught the Catholic Faith in its fullness and replaces him with a man who would prefer to be at his Beach House rather then administer the faith to the people placed in his care.
Bishop Di Lorenzo needs much prayer! The dioceses remains wanton and in need of Shepherd who is courageous and in line with the Magisterium.

Anonymous said...

Go to the Catholic Virginian website: Then type "Gregorian Chant" under "search our site" and count how many results you get. I think we know where the Bishop stands....and it's not with the Holy Father...unless he does stand with the Holy Father and is just a weak leader.

Anonymous said...

I love Litnics because I'm a Gatherlic....Gather + Catholic = Gatherlic. You see, Gatherlics are the Catholics who are a people gathered unto themselves. They are the GATHERED assembly vs. the UNgathered assembly!

Anonymous said...

Gather ye Gathlics, for the richmond diocese continues to be the gather-obsessed community of gathered gatherers gathering as a gathered assembly of gathered people singing Gather tunes from a Gather song book. Gathering is the source and summit of our gathered-community! So let's Gather!

standing maryanna said...

Sounds like we're being taken to the "Gleaners"!

Anonymous said...

Did you all see this?

The Bishop has finally taken an opportunity to teach the faithful of this diocese about Catholic liturgy. For those of you who claim he is not being a Shepard to his flock, go to that address and see what he is teaching. The Richmond Diocese is ahead of the curve when it comes to the Reform of the Reform in our liturgy.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous on Dec 8 at 2:50pm:

I would not be so quick to judge our bishop based upon his relocation of the pastor in question. There is FAR more to the story than you apparently know.

The question you should ask is what happened to the pastor your old pastor replaced?

From what I have come to learn, it sounds like that parish was in far greater need of a GOOD shepherd.

I agree with you that our bishop (as well as all our priests) are in need of our prayer constantly.

St. Augustine once said:

"Believe me, brothers and sisters, if what I am for you frightens me, what I am with you reassures me. For you I am the bishop; with you I am a Christian."

Anonymous said...

i'm tired of praying for them while they just keep doing the same old thing. either they challenge themselves to come out of their little comfortable business-as-usual boxes or they don't. it's time for the laity to start holding the bishops and priests for their poor performance since it's apparent that the pope is going to hold them accountable.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous-December 22, 2010 7:14 PM
I appreciate your suggestion of the possibility of underlying reasons existing for the removal of one Pastor to replace another. However that removal cannot nullify the fact that the spiritual progress which had been made in my parish has now been mitigated. There is no justification for replacing a sound Pastor with another whose practices and theology are often not in line with Church teachings. I believe as Catholics we have the right to the celebration of Mass according to the G.I.R.M free of improvisation and omittance of phrase contained in the Roman Missal. We have a right to the Sacraments in their fullness. A Priest has an obligation to allow devotions regardless of his personal preferences or lack thereof. Piety should not be frowned upon instead encouraged to flourish as it is formed in each person by the Holy Spirit
Bishop Di Lorenzo has an obligation and a mandate to teach the faith in its authenticity. He must insure his flock and the souls entrusted to him are being instructed in sound doctrine and Catholic Teaching. Please forgive me for pursuing this question but I must. How in good conscience can our Bishop remove a man who is sound in doctrine and Church teaching and replace him with someone so diametrically opposed??? Continuity is important especially in the formation of souls. You don't tear down the progress one man has made because a need exists elsewhere. You don't defeat your appointed purpose. Please excuse my boldness but Bishop Di Lorenzo needs to put his priorities in place. His first and utmost priority is the salvation of souls. This is accomplished through authentic Catholic teachings and proper catechises. Yes, we are obligated to pray for our Bishops and pray we will for Bishop Di Lorenzo.

Anonymous said...

he doesn't care. he hates liturgy almost as much as he hates gays. all he wants to do is keep the status quo and look like he's making changes by moving pastors around and banishing gays from the diocese. it's kind of wierd because the very same people he has in charge of liturgy are some of the most gay-loving people around.

Anonymous said...

Concerning homosexuals in this diocese and for that matter in the Church.This and only this should be taught.The most beautiful thing I have ever heard:

Anonymous said...

season's greetings!

Kneeling Nick said...

There are only a small number of competent priests. The bishop has to keep moving them around so they can clean up the mess left behind by the others.

Anonymous said...

yeah. like i said. the bishop moves around priests to make it look like he's doing something about it. come on! don't be so naive. actions speak louder than words! the bishop does not care much about "roman" style liturgies, he never has and he never will. the proof is in the pudding. PLEASE GIVE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES OF WHAT THE BISHOP HAS DONE TO ALIGN THIS DIOCESE WITH THE LITURGICAL TEACHINGS OF OUR HOLY FATHER WITH RESPECT TO THE REFORM OF THE REFORM.....besides moving priests around...anybody can move priests around with any motive...that doesn't teach the people of this diocese the Spirit of the Liturgy. NOTHING THE BISHOP DOES TEACHES US THE SPIRIT OF THE LITURGY. THE ONLY TEACHING HE HAS PROCLAIMED IS THAT BLOGGERS ARE FRAGILE!

Katie Beaumont said...

Wow. That's putting it bluntly. But you do bring up a good point. If one were to make the claim that our diocese is liturgically aligned with the vision of Pope Benedict's reform of the reform (aka Spirit of the Liturgy). Can any diocesan official provide us with evidence of that claim? I doubt it. Citing two parishes in the entire diocese is hardly a bragging point. In fact, it's pretty sad. The only ORGAN ONLY Christmas Mass that I could find at one Virginia Beach parish was the one that was being offered at midnight! Now what about those Catholics who might like an earlier Christmas Eve mass with the organ? It's time for SOMEBODY at the diocesan leadership level to step up and shake things up a little. This getting to be ridiculous! (I'm not even going to bring up the point that there are no Gregorian Chant Novus Ordo Masses in the Southeastern corner of the diocese). Does the bishop care? Is he listening?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think not only the Bishop isn't listening but someone else is in charge. I heard he is rather ill. His decisions throughout the diocese lately has not been the best. The Bishop seems not to care about anything anymore.Maybe that is because he is so sick.

Anonymous said...

One new topic a month? Is this a blog or a mourge? Some one check the moderator's pulse, please.

Anonymous said...

Someone else may very well be in charge. The most likely person is the supreme Un-pastor Msgr. Mark Lane. Having failed as a pastor and spent most of his priesthood dressed in suit and tie and hiding behind a psychology degree, he is now the bishop's closest advisor.

standing maryanna said...

I am always open to having suggestions for blog discussions. Instead of complaining that the blog has turned into a morgue, how about providing me with a suggestion...

And Msgr. Mark Lane I am NOT!

BTW, not knowing much of what is going on at the diocesan level, I can't come up with any exciting subject matter. How about you guys?

Anonymous said...

I for one would like to thank you Maryanna for this blog. I am grateful people have a place to go in this diocese to discuss and at times vent our frustration with what is and what is not occurring in our parishes and diocese.
So in case you sometimes feel frustrated because of lack of topics,please know you are appreciated for keeping some form of dialogue open. Thanks again and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

How do people feel about the large number of foreign born priests? Has the priesthood become one more example of a job Americans won't do?

standing maryanna said...

Anonymous: I appreciate the vote of confidence. I am only sorry, I don't have time to research topics for discussion. I don't intend to close this blog down. I agree with you that there should be a place people can vent their frustrations, etc.

I also see another Anonymous person has suggested a great topic.