Monday, January 23, 2012

Practical Reason and the Bishops

There's a very interesting article in the National Catholic Reporter that you might want to read and comment on: Bishops' Conscience Model Makes Light of Practical Reason by David DeCosse.


Anonymous said...

Do the right thing unless it's hard?

Anonymous said...

It's MY body, it's MY right, it's MY choice. I've been a devout Catholic all my life and have been teaching CCD almost 40 years now and I'm not going to remain silent when it comes to WOMEN's Social Justice issues. We cannot have true equality until we have true control over our fertility. This is something an all male clergy does not understand. We celebrate! We believe!

Anonymous said...

Again it is the men in dresses who endear themselves in thier perceived control over womanhood. If it were the intent of God to have all sperm enter a female gentalia, then does it make sense that priests, bishops, and cardinals are left to celebrate their own spillage.....maybe they should all be jailed for arrested development......

Anonymous said...

Rachel Maddow had a hit tonight in her piece on good ol' Guv Bob McDonald with her ultrasound vaginal intrusion device on which was written...'you can see the white house from here' but what's a Catholic to do...then there is Bob Marshall...they make me so proud of my chosen faith but maybe not for long.....

Anonymous said...

There was a time when a presidential candidate who was Catholic made us all very proud and he won. Despite his revealed foilables, he was steadfast in what he believed was best for today we have Mr. Santorum, a neo-conservative who professes his Catholicism and who apparently believes that, if you are a woman, while celebrating the Eucharist, you should be given an asprin to hold between your knees...maybe funny when it was first expressed years ago (remember the only form of controception was in the form of "raincoats"..alas another form of antiquated humor)but in today's debate...he seems like he is from another planet....

Anonymous said...

I am a proud high ranking diocesan official who contributes to Planned Parenthood. Yes. You CAN be a devout Catholic AND still care about women's health. We celebrate! We believe!

Quis Ut Deus said...

I am a proud high ranking diocesan official who contributes to Planned Parenthood.Yes. You CAN be a devout Catholic AND still care about women's health. We celebrate! We believe!

1. Pride is a sin
2. If you are so confident and proud of your position, why not tell us and Bp. DiLorenzo who you are?
3. You (and whoever "We" refers to) are NOT Catholic. Look up "latae sententiae?" That is what applies to you/"We."

Go to confession. Repent. We, i.e., The Catholic Church would love to welcome all of you back.