Monday, December 12, 2011

What happened in Suffolk?

Anonymous has asked: What happened in Suffolk?

The news hasn't hit the Catholic Virginian yet. Maybe the next issue. Channel 13 in Suffolk had this information:

Another extremely sad situation...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Diocese Policy on the use of the Cup will not change...

I was looking through the 10/31 issue of the Catholic Virginian and saw the letter to the editor by Deacon Chris Moriah clarifying the diocesan policy of receiving Communion under both kinds. I was very happy to see this clarification after learning about Phoenix Bishop Olmsted's decision to limit the use of the Precious Blood.

Apparently the Bishop took another look and so the other day, I read that he had issued a new set of norms for his diocese which expanded what he had previously written. Some of this info can be found here.

What do you think?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Catholic Mausoleum in Williamsburg! ~ Another Hot Button Issue!

In the Comments under the previous blog entry, there was a discussion about Catholic Mausoleums in Williamsburg. Anonymous asked:

Anonymous said...

So how much longer Bishop Di Lorenzo will you remain deaf to the pleas of the people of Williamsburg. It is time to make a change.The diocese is allowing our Pastor to make a mockery of the Catholic faith .Enough already!

or check out this editorial! they get it and you don't Please worry more about the souls of the people rather then money.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Hot Button Issue

Anonymous has asked that this video be given a separate blog article. I am willing to do that, even though I feel the video presents a very one-sided view from the far right of the Catholic spectrum.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Excellent Commentary on the John Jay Report

If you want to read an excellent commentary on the John Jay Report, take a look at this National Catholic Reporter article:

The John Jay Stud
y: What it is and what it isn't

by Mary Gail Frawley O'Dea

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Priests, Home Ownership and Life in the Rectory

I noticed that some folks made comments about priests owning their own homes so I thought to open this subject for discussion. I had read a blog article recently where a priest discussed whether it was a good thing or not, that a priest/pastor would buy a home and live there rather than live in the rectory provided for him.

Any thoughts?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fr. Corapi and the future of his ministry

Anonymous left the following comment:

I heard that Fr. Corapi has quit the priesthood. Didn't he come to speak in the Richmond Diocese years ago?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Is the John Jay study reliable?

Here are some thoughts about it from the National Catholic Reporter:

Critics point to John Jay study's limitations

Any comments?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Holy Week in Your Parish...

So how was the Triduum celebrated in your parish? Everything by the book? Creative? Did you even bother attending?

A positive celebration that left you with a sense of gratefulness for the sacrifice of Jesus and the joy of his Resurrection?

There were a few glitches in my parish but almost everything flowed as it was supposed to... and the reception afterward was wonderful...

So, what's the rush? Sainthood for John Paul II

John L. Allen, Jr. of the National Catholic Reporter has an interesting article about the upcoming beatification of John Paul II. You can find the article here.

Is sainthood too politicized?

Any comments?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Suppose our Bishop Retired...

I got to thinking about our Bishop's retirement and am wondering if any of our diocesan priests are "bishop-material". I realize that the decision comes from Rome and would probably not be one of our own priests but it is an interesting question nonetheless.

Who do you think would make a good bishop and why?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

C. Porter Vaughan, Inc vs. Bishop DiLorenzo

Anonymous has given us a new topic:

"Does anyone know if the case of C.Porter Vaughn Inc. vs. Most Reverend Francis Xavier DiLorenzo has been resolved?"

Anonymous, I don't know what this issue refers to. Please enlighten us.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Collective Bargaining, Republicans and the American Bishops

Katie left an interesting question in the comment box of a different topic. I hope she doesn't mind that I open a new topic using her words.

"Not to change the topic; but what are U.S. Bishops doing regarding the assault on the working class by politicians? Should Republicans be given a free-pass to allow middle income workers to be stripped of collective bargaining in an economy that is already squeezing out the middle class? Just because the Republican Party pays lip service and throws an occasional bone to prolife causes, the U.S. bishops should still have enough zeal on economic justice and policy no matter how prolife the politicians assaulting the middle class are! "

Any comments?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

No TLM at the Shrine?

So what's the real deal as to why the TLM scheduled for the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in April was cancelled? I have some traddie friends who are sorely disappointed.

Protocol for obtaining Shrine's permission not followed? Thumbs down by the Archdiocese of Washington? Celebrant bowed out... why?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SSPX vs The Vatican

So, what is your take on the talks between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X? Will anything come of those talks? Is each "side" coming to the talks from different angles; so never the twain shall meet?

Friday, February 18, 2011

CEOs rather than Priests

Under another topic, Anonymous made this interesting observation:

"The clergy is now riddled with many men who are more CEO then priests."

How could this happen? What is it about the priesthood nowadays that would draw CEO-type people rather than those with a more spiritual vocation?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Redemptorist Parishes - what will happen?

Kneeling Nick ask this question:

Is anyone out there from the Redemptorist parishes in Tidewater? What will happen when the Redemptorists priests leave? The diocese can't cover the parishes it already has.

Korean Catholic Rite?

Anonymous asks this question:

This more recent Virginian-Pilot article mentions a Korean Catholic this a universal rite or just another example of Richmond Diocesan liturgical permissiveness?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Abortion Mill

Anonymous has asked this question:


Has anybody else read this article in the Virginian Pilot?

January 19, 2011 11:13 PM

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Foreign Born Priests: How do you feel about them?

Anonymous has suggested a fine topic for discussion:

"How do people feel about the large number of foreign born priests? Has the priesthood become one more example of a job Americans won't do?"